Suprabeam on Mt. Everest

Suprabeam on Mount Everest

Experienced mountaineer Christian Binggeli from Switzerland have just climbed the most well-known mountain in the world, Mount Everest. The team arrived at the summit on May 23rd at 7am.

The team was well prepared for the expedition and were all equipped with Suprabeam M6xr’s.

Congrats to Christian and everyone on the team – WELL DONE!

You can follow the adventure on Instagram at @binggeli.christian and @koblerpartner.

Climper with helmet and M6xr


Christian Binggeli

Date of Birth: 6 June 1970

Nationality: Swiss

Swiss Alpine Club: member since 1986


-Mountain rescue, Denali National Park and Preserve in Alaska
-Mountain guide and avalanche officer, Alpin School in Andermatt
-Swiss Ski instructor
-Swiss Alpine Club Youth program
-Climbing and Interpretive Ranger
-Forest Engineer, Arborist and Consultant

Expeditions and Project Seven Summits:

-1997                         Denali 6190 m, Normal Route, North America
-1999                         Mount Everest South (to 8000 m), Asia
-1999                         Everest – K2 Expedition, Asia
-2001                         Huascaran, Medical Research Expedition – Nevado Ishinca 5530 m and Nevado Tocllaraja 6032 m, Peru, South America
-2002                         Cerro Aconcagua 6961 m, Traverse Polish Direct, Argentina, South America
-2004                         Mount Cho-Oyu, 8201 m, Asia, unguided climb, without Oxygen and Sherpas
-2005                         Mount Kosciuszko 2228 m, Australia
-2018                         Mont Blanc 4810 m, Cosmiques-Route, France, Europe
-2019                         Mount Elbrus 5642 m, Ski south, Kaukasus, Russia
-2021                         Mount Vinson 4892 m, Antarctica
-2024                         Mount Everest North 8848 m, Asia –Currently on the way
-2025                         Mount Kibo / Kilimanjaro 5895 m, Tansania, Africa

2024-05-27T08:26:26+00:00maj 27th, 2024|
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