

Suprabeam garanti

2 års garanti

På baggrund af vores høje kvalitet og kvalitetskontrol tilbyder vi imponerende 2 års garanti på alle vores produkter. Vi reparerer eller ombytter ethvert produkt eller del som viser sig at være eller blive defekt ved normal brug.

Garantien omfatter ikke batterier da dette er en forbrugsvare der er udsat for naturligt slid. Derudover omfatter garantien ikke normal vedligeholdelse og service, samt produkter eller dele heraf der har været udsat for modifikation, misbrug, uagtsomhed, uheld eller forkert reparation af andre end Suprabeam.

For detaljeret information og individuel support omkring de 2 års garanti, kontakt venligst den butik eller distributør, hvor dit Suprabeam produkt er købt.

Warranty form

Please fill out warranty form for assistance

Our warranty process must always go through the place where the Suprabeam product was purchased. First hand inspection of the product ensures the easiest warranty process for all parties. Should this not be possible for whatever reason, please fill out the form below.

All inquiries that could have been handled from the place of purchase, will be directed to the place of purchase.

To ensure the best possible customer service we strongly encourage you to read our troubleshooting guide. This will give you a better understanding of the product, and what could be wrong. Please fill out all fields, and if possible upload a picture of the receipt and the product.

If your Suprabeam product is not covered by the warranty or you wish to purchase a spare part, please visit this page.

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    Where do you find the batch code?

    You can find it inside the tube, or inside the batterypack

    All Suprabeam products are marked with a batch code. The batch code consists of two letters and one digit (Example: GK-1) and can be found on a white sticker when removing the battery.

    Open the batterypack and remove the rechargeable battery or the alkaline batteries to reveal the white sticker inside the batterypack.

    Unscrew the switch and remove the rechargeable battery or alkaline batteries. On Q3, Q3classic, Q3defend, Q4, Q4defend the white sticker is found on the side of the batterypack, on all other torches the white sticker will be inside the tube.

    Unscrew the endcap and remove the battery to reveal the white sticker.

    The batch code can be found printed on either the front or the back of the light.

    Hvor finder jeg batteri batch koden?

    Printet på batteriet

    Alle Suprabeam-batterier er mærket med en batchkode. Batchkoden består af fire bogstaver (eksempel: “CPMG”) og er printet på batteriet.

    Se billederne nedenfor med eksempler på forskellige batterityper.

    Battery batch
    Battery batch
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