Northern Soul Journey

Northern Soul Journey2021-12-16T11:43:50+00:00
North Soul Journey profile

Suprabeam Ambassador Team

Hannah & Jeremias Kinnunen-Levy


Hannah and Jeremias Kinnunen-Levy are made of something special. They are living a lifestyle that many people in our stress filled digital age dream about, but one that only a very few people have the courage to adapt to.

Together with their 23 Alaskan Huskies, 2 cats, and a handful of chickens they live at The Longhill Homestead in the most northern part of Sweden. Hannah and Jeremias are dog mushers and run the adventure company Northern Soul Journeys that offers dog sledding trips and different courses on wilderness skills and dog mushing. At The Longhill Homestead they are striving for a self-sufficient lifestyle, and Jeremias tells us that they have come as far to substitute all meat with wild game/fish, and their own chickens. The homestead also have an impressive garden that supplies the couple with vegetables.

You can follow Hannah and Jeremias on social media, where they share their adventures and try to inspire especially young people to have a more nature based lifestyle.

“The ultimate Longhill Homestead is the one that continues to strive for higher self sufficiency in different fields, some farm animals and a year round supply of good food”



What is your favourite thing about your lifestyle?


Being able to spend time with our dogs and the satisfaction of procuring our own food.


Is there any “love/hate relationship” to your way of living?


We can’t travel when we feel like it and we would have to plan for it so it suits the dogs and the season.


How do you learn all the skills needed for living self-sufficiently?


By trail and error, reading books, asking other people that are into the lifestyle and also YouTube.


What are some projects or goals you are looking forward to accomplish in regards to the homestead?


One big thing is to take the seeds from the vegetables we’ve grown to create a variant that thrives at our place. And learning more ways of conserving food!


Tells us about one of your best experiences as a dog musher, homesteader, or outdoor guide?


For Hannah it was her solo mountain trip she did last winter with a team of 8 dogs. That’s what she really loves doing.

For Jeremias the best experience and feeling is everytime he brings home wild game or fish for the family or when out and working together with the dogs, pulling firewood home etc.


How does the ultimate Longhill Homestead look?


The ultimate Longhill Homestead is the one that continues to strive for higher self sufficiency in different fields, some farm animals and a year round supply of good food!


Summer or winter?


Winter. But we can’t enjoy winter without knowing what spring, summer and fall will bring. The changing of the seasons and contrasts is really important to us.


Do you have any heroes or idols?


The older generation that has done all of the hard work and had to do this for real so that we can now safely work on our goals.


What is the best thing about working with dogs and dogsledding?


The connection you get to each individual dog is invaluable. Also the feeling of working together as a team throughout the year and then being able to go out together exploring trails and just enjoying nature.


How do you use portable lighting in your day-to-day life?


In the winter when it’s dark time a headlamp is constantly on our head or around our neck. It’s to the point that we find ourselves feeling for the headlight on our head later in the season when we might not need it any more. Most of the year it’s fairly dark in our region so we always have some sort of portable lighting on or around us.

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