
20 Years Anniversary

2024-09-20T07:08:49+00:00septiembre 11th, 2024|

Celebrating 20 Years of Illumination SUPRABEAM's Journey Celebrating SUPRABEAM’s 20th anniversary, we take a moment to reflect on our journey that has been shaped by innovation, quality, and the unwavering support of our partners. How it all began: Twenty years ago, SUPRABEAM was born out of a simple yet ambitious vision:to create the best lighting solutions for professionals. Our Swiss founder, René Steiner, with his roots in precision optics and electronics, set out to craft products that must deliver unmatched performance. We knew that to achieve this, we had to push beyond the ordinary and redefi ne what professional lighting could be. Taking Control of Our Destiny In our early years, we relied on external suppliers to bring [...]

Sponsoring Reaching Summits

2024-09-20T07:07:58+00:00julio 5th, 2024|

Race Across Switzerland After Karine Fragnière prepared the women's team 'Reaching Summits' for the Patrouille des Glaciers, she is now starting a new women's team for the bicycle race 'Race Across Switzerland'. The Race Across Switzerland is: "An endurance cycling journey that takes you through the majestic alpine beauty of Switzerland. This adventure is a unique fusion of intense sporting challenge and scenic discovery, designed for adventurous souls looking to push their limits. Winding roads, towering peaks and picturesque valleys. Every step of the way highlights Switzerland's natural and cultural diversity. Discover a nation where tradition and modernity coexist, and where every turn offers a vivid tableau of breathtaking scenery." 300 KM Route, Picture from: [...]

Suprabeam on Mt. Everest

2024-05-27T08:27:00+00:00mayo 27th, 2024|

Suprabeam on Mount Everest Experienced mountaineer Christian Binggeli from Switzerland have just climbed the most well-known mountain in the world, Mount Everest. The team arrived at the summit on May 23rd at 7am. The team was well prepared for the expedition and were all equipped with Suprabeam M6xr’s. Congrats to Christian and everyone on the team - WELL DONE! You can follow the adventure on Instagram at @binggeli.christian and @koblerpartner. Bio. Christian Binggeli Date of Birth: 6 June 1970 Nationality: Swiss Swiss Alpine Club: member since 1986 Education: -Mountain rescue, Denali National Park and Preserve in Alaska -Mountain guide and avalanche officer, Alpin School in Andermatt -Swiss Ski instructor -Swiss Alpine Club Youth [...]

Victory in SellaRonda Skimarathon

2024-04-08T12:38:34+00:00abril 8th, 2024|

Victoria Kreuzer and Martin Anthamatten wins SellaRonda Skimarathon! We are extremely proud of our two ambassadors Victoria and Martin who have won the 2024 edition of the SellaRonda Skimarathon in the mixed team category! The extremely demanding race is 42 km long with 2700m of altitude and goes through the Dolomites, and if that wasn’t demanding enough, the race takes place in the night! Victoria raced with a M6xr multilamp on her helmet, and Martin chose the larger B6r mounted on the helmet as well. Congratulations to Victoria and Martin! M6xr The M6xr Multilamp is extremely versatile and can be used for a number of different sports. Victoria use the adhesive mount on her helmet, for easy [...]

9 year old Q3classic is brought back to life

2024-03-19T12:05:42+00:00marzo 19th, 2024|

9 year old Q3classic is brought back to life We recently got a Q3classic flashlight in for a repair, and you could tell from the look of it that it has had a pretty rough life. The customer told us that he had used the flashlight every day since the day he bought it 9 years ago. He had used it in his work as a motorcycle mechanic, and later when he worked on a big ship. He also admitted that the flashlight had been dropped from a moving motorcycle at least 4 times, as well as being run over by a car a couple of times. So saying it has had a rough life was not an [...]

Girlpower on Kilimanjaro

2024-03-19T12:21:46+00:00marzo 14th, 2024|

Girlpower on Kilimanjaro In August 2023 7 colleagues went on the adventure of a lifetime, an adventure to the top of Africa: Kilimanjaro. Hanne, Birgit, Karen, Linda, Ute, Anne, and Majken from the Ikast, Denmark based company, Spectre, are the 7 hardcore women who climbed the Kilimanjaro. The rough terrain, the altitude, and the technical stretches in the dark took its toll on the group, but all 7 made it to the top. All 7 women were equipped with a Suprabeam M6xr Multilamp, which ensured that they reached the top, without any accidents in the dark. Suprabeam have sponsored the M6xr Multilamps for this adventure. To navigate in the [...]

Which light does the tracking dog handler use?

2024-03-19T12:21:04+00:00marzo 13th, 2024|

Which light does the tracking dog handler use? You can always reach Kim on the phone. Both day and night he and his dog Kaos are ready to move out to help road users and hunters, who have hit or wounded an animal. Kim is a “Schweisshundefører” or tracking dog handler, and together with his three colleagues he handles the around 330 searches on Bornholm each year. The Danish “Schweisshunderegister” is a registry of specially trained tracking dogs and handlers, covering the entire country, who can help anyone who accidentally injures wildlife. The handler works closely with his specially trained dog, and together they are educated and certified by the Danish Nature Agency, to handle searches and [...]

Sponsoring Reaching Summits

2024-03-19T12:18:53+00:00marzo 7th, 2024|

Reaching Summits World class athlete Karine Fragnière has made it her mission to inspire and guide other women to complete the legendary Patrouille des Glaciers ski mountaineering race from Zermatt to Verbier in the Swiss alps. Karine has several wins and finishes under her belt; Ironman Zurich, ironman World Championships 2018, Kleine Scheidegg Xtreme Triathlon, and of course the ultimate Patrouille des Glaciers ski mountaineering race in 2022. With the Reaching Summits project, Karine now guides and helps other women achieving their goal of competing in Patrouille des Glaciers. This year, 2024, Reaching Summits will enter the race with two all women teams, who will face treacherous mountains and daring glaciers before achieving the glory of being a [...]

M6xr wins ISPO Award

2023-10-27T11:25:14+00:00octubre 27th, 2023|

M6xr wins ISPO award We are proud to announce that the Suprabeam M6xr has won the prestigious ISPO award! Every year the expert ISPO Award Jury chooses only a handful of innovative products to receive an ISPO award. The award represents the finest in innovation and design and is a major stamp of approval in the outdoor and sports industry. The entire Suprabeam team is incredibly honored to have received this respected award for the M6xr. If you want to experience the Suprabeam M6xr in real life, you can visit our stand at the ISPO Munich fair Nov. 28-30. You can find our stand in the Scandinavian Village, more precisely: Hall A2, Stand 505. [...]

A Marathon Des Sables story

2023-07-06T11:56:48+00:00julio 4th, 2023|

The Marathon Des Sables Journal The Long Stage It was 2:30AM and we had been moving across the Sahara Desert for over 19 consecutive hours. Under a blanket of stars, we sat down on the cool sand and leaned back against our backpacks. We each stretched out our weary legs and extended our arms into the sand feeling the little grains dance across our skin. Although neither of us had voiced the thought, as we laid our heads back and closed our eyes, we silently prayed for a scorpion to emerge from the sand and find us enticing enough to sting. Yes, you read that correctly; we prayed for a scorpion. At this point, we were tapped [...]

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