Suprabeam Ambassador Team
Nikolaj Juel
Nikolaj is a hunter, and his preferred weapon of choice is the bow. He likes the challenge.
Skill, patience, and precision is key for being a good bow hunter, getting close to an animal on high alert is a challenge. And you need to get close, real close. You must connect with the nature around you, know the trails and the wind, to even get to the point where you can pull the bowstring.
With a rifle you can take down a deer from up to 200m. With a bow you must get within 25m of the deer. The hunt gets harder and requires more skill, but the reward is so much bigger.
Besides hunting Nikolaj is a renowned chef and has paid his dues at top restaurants like The River Café, and Jamie Oliver’s Fifteen in London. He has written several cookbooks, the most recent focussing on preparing wild game meat with inspiration from food culture all over the world.
Nikolaj has made his hobbies his job, and travels the world hunting and cooking, writing articles about his experiences.
“The reward when you succeed is so much higher and the hunting experience is way more intense.”
How did you get started with hunting?
When I moved back to Denmark head chef at a big organic farm (Årstiderne). During my time there, I got hired to do a team building for the Danish Hunting Association. I did a quiet untraditional teambuilding, cooking Italian, Mexican and Japanese dishes. That course became the blueprint for my first cookbook, funny enough. As a part of my fee, I got my hunting course and license. After that I have gone all in.
What is so special about bowhunting?
I do hunt with riffle and shotgun, but bowhunting has got under my skin. You have to use all your senses and skills to be successful. Every mistake gets punished, even the ones that are out of you control – like change of wind direction. The reward when you succeed is so much higher and the hunting experience is way more intense.
How do you prepare for a day of hunting?
I check the weather. The wind is key. I plan my hunt according to the wind – if you have the wind working in your favour, your chances are much higher.
I always make sure that I have my gear sorted out. There’s nothing worse, than finding out you have forgot some essential bits, when you’re out for the day.
I eat a healthy breakfast. Nothing too heavy – just something that gives you energy.
Is there an animal you dream about hunting?
I’d love to go elk hunting in the US. It could be Montana, but there are a few nice places that hold elk over there. I love mountain hunting, where you really get challenged, physically and mentally.
I have just hunted redstag in the Sierra Anjudar mountains in Spain with the bow and been hunting sikastag in the Irish highlands with the riffle. Both where fantastic hunts.
Do you have a good hunting story?
Well, I have few. But I have just got back from a trip to Ireland, with @hunting_stef and @the_hunting_photografer. We had an amazing time, hunting sika stags and shooting film and pictures. I spend 3 days chasing deer in the highland with my guide Will. He was a thrue mountain man and would never give up. On the last outing we had climbed up a mountain, though a ravine. We had spotted a spiker, that we tried to get close to. On our way up, we saw a big 8-pointer stag chasing a hind, coming down a mountainside behind us. We hurried back down to see if we could cut him off. @hunting_stef was able to film the whole thing. We got in position, but I couldn’t find him in the scope. Suddenly he appeared below us. I got him in the scope at 175 meters. I fired the shot, but the rifle clicked. I re-loaded. Got him in the scope. He slowed down and I took the shot. He ran 30 meters and expired. Amazing relief after 3 days hard grind in the highlands. If you have to earn your respect, you have to drag you stag out by yourself. That’ s what I did – a 75kg stag! I have never been so exhausted and happy, when we got down to the car. We all celebrated with a nice pint of Guinness.
What’s your favourite dish?
I have many. It all depends on the season and circumstances. I just love food and I love to cook it, especially if I have caught it myself.
Favourite game meat for eating? Sika is delicious. I cooked up the heart of one of the stags we shot in Ireland. It was amazing.
Favourite game meat for eating?
Sika is delicious. I cooked up the heart of one of the stags we shot in Ireland. It was amazing.
Do you have any heroes or idols?
I don’t really have idols, but I do get inspired and admire people. Lots of them are people I hunt with. Of the YouTube crowd, I think Remy Warren end the Elkshape crew are inspiring. Pedro Ampuero is also pretty awesome.
How do you use portable lighting in your hunting and outdoor life?
For the most part I use a headlamp. They are useful when the sun goes down and you have to find your way out. I have a magnetic spot I put on my car. It’s great for lighting the place up if you have to skin an animal in the dark. Finally, I use a lamp in my tent.
Do you have a favourite Suprabeam light or accessory?
I’m a big fan of the M6xr. It’s great headlamp and it’s really useful when taking pictures in the dark.